Admirabile Signum: The Meaning and Importance of the Nativity Scene, by Pope Francis
£3.50Pope Francis transforms the Nativity scene, an often overlooked part of Christmas, into the very focal point of our Christmas devotion in this Apos...
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Antiquum Ministerium, Instituting the Ministry of Catechist, by Pope Francis
£3.50Recognizing the work of catechists around the world,Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter establishes the lay ministry of catechist. Pope Francis’s Apost...
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Aperuit Illis, The Sunday of the Word of God, by Pope Francis
£4.95In this motu proprio, Pope Francis established the Sunday of the Word of God, a day of reflection on the Word for all Christians, offering practica...
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Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life, Pastoral Guidelines for Local Churches, by Dicastery for Laity Family and Life
£6.95By providing pastoral guidelines for clergy, couples, and those involved in marriage preparation or family ministry, this document is intended to o...
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Christ's Faithful Laity - Christifideles Laici, by Pope St John Paul II
£13.99Revolutionary document on the role of the lay faithful in the Church. The first comprehensive statement on the calling and mission of lay people, t...
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Desiderio Desideravi, On the liturgical formation of the people of God, by Pope Francis
£4.95Pope Francis shares some reflections on the liturgy for all Catholics, focusing on the tensions present around the celebration of the liturgy and e...
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Directory for Catechesis, by Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization
£14.95This new Directory for Catechesis reflects the most up-to-date expertise on the necessary elements of teaching and personal formation for catecheti...
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From Christendom to Apostolic Mission, Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age, by University of Mary
£14.99This essay is an attempt to contribute effective strategies to engage our own time and culture once more with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to awa...
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On Fraternity and Social Friendship - Fratelli Tutti, by Pope Francis
£6.95The third encyclical from Pope Francis is inspired by St Francis of Assisi's love for the poorest and his openness to all, and tackles the theme of...
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Patris Corde, by Pope Francis
£3.95Pope Francis gives a very personal reflection on the importance of St Joseph as the husband of Mary, the foster father of Our Saviour and protector...
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Querida Amazonia – To the Beloved Amazon Region, by Pope Francis
£5.95Following the Amazon Synod held in Rome, October 2019, Pope Francis offers his own response to the process of dialogue and discernment in this Exho...
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Samaritanus Bonus, by Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
£4.95This Letter from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith deals with the thorny issues surrounding care for the critically ill and those appr...
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Scripturae Sacrae Affectus, On the 1600th anniversary of the death of St Jerome, by Pope Francis
£3.50In this Apostolic Letter, Pope Francis commemorates the life and works of the great Doctor of the Church and translator of the Sacred Scriptures, S...
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The Identity of the Catholic School, by Congregation for Catholic Education for Educational Institutions
£4.95A practical guide for educators in understanding the essence and mission of Catholic schools in the life of the Church and society, offering insigh...
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The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community, In the Service of the Evangelising Mission of the Church, by Congregation for the Clergy
£5.95In the Service of the Evangelising Mission of the ChurchOutlines for the renewal of parish structures in a more dynamic and missionary direction. T...
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The Reciprocity Between Faith and Sacraments, by International Theological Commission
£9.95The sacraments are at the very centre of the Christian life, yet many today receive them without a clear understanding of the graces they signify a...
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The Sunday of the Word of God, by Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization
£9.95To help parishes embrace the exciting opportunity presented by the Sunday of the Word of God to get to know the Bible better, the Pontifical Counci...
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Totum Amoris Est, On the Fourth Centenary of the Death of Saint Francis de Sales, by Pope Francis
£4.95Pope Francis honours the legacy of St Francis de Sales on the 400th anniversary of his death by calling on the Church to be outward looking, praisi...
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Towards a Full Presence – A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media
£4.95"Towards a Full Presence" is a thought-provoking guide that explores the impact of social media on our relationships with others. The Vatican's Dic...
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What is the Catholic Faith? Pack of 25 Leaflets, by CTS Multi Buy Discounts Available
from £0.75A succinct and masterly summary of what Catholics believe and the reasons for their belief, offering a very accessible introduction to Catholicism ...
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