Dyslexia Friendly Good News Bible - Gospel of Luke, by Bible Society UK
Enjoy Luke’s Gospel, the third book in the New Testament. Luke tells the story of Jesus, the saviour of all people, including those who are considered outsiders. This Gospel has a special emphasis on Jesus’ teaching, including the famous parables of the good Samaritan and the lost son. This dyslexia-friendly edition: follows the guidelines of the British Dyslexia Association for dyslexia-friendly formatting. Uses the best-selling Good News Bible translation, with simple, everyday language so that it is clear and easy to read – one of many reasons why it’s such a popular translation. Ideal for adults and young people, including school teachers and others working with those with dyslexia. It’s also useful for anyone for whom traditional small print Bibles are difficult to read. Includes the iconic Annie Vallotton illustrations.
Key features: Short paragraphs. Increased line spacing. Larger type face – 10.5 pt
Bold headings. Cream coloured matt finish paper rather than bright white glossy paper to minimise reflection. Paper has high opacity so very little text shows through from the next page. Follows formatting guidelines of British Dyslexia Association. Association.
Font size: 10.5pt
Please Allow 5-7 Working Days For Delivery.
Author: Bible Society UK
Format: Paperback
Published: Sep 2020
Dimensions: 149mm x 211mm.