NIV Compact Charcoal Soft-tone Zip Case Bible - British Text, by Hodder and Stoughton
SKU HS-9781444702910
Small enough to take with you everywhere you go, this pocket Bible will ensure you have the Word of God at hand at all times. With a Light Charcoal Grey soft imitation leather cover and matching zip, the Bible pages will be kept tidy and clean. This lovely gift Bible has a removable presentation box and a yellow gold ribbon marker.
Features: Zip case to protect pages · Gold yellow ribbon marker · Specially designed wrap and endpapers inspired by italian marble terrazzo tiling.
Text Size: 6.75pt - British spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Author: New International Version
Format: Imitation Leather
Number of Pages: 1280
Published: Aug 2011
Dimensions: 120mm x 180mm x 28mm.